The Healthy Expectations Program provides you with additional support, assistance with coordination of benefits and regular phone contact with our OB team. The program is designed to assist high risk maternity Members. There is no cost for the program and it is confidential.
Contact AvMed Case Management at 1- 800-972-8633 select option #2 for Healthy Expectations. We are available 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Our goal is to help you through your pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum period with the healthiest possible outcome for both you and your baby. We will give you personalized education, help you with issues including obtaining medications and home health services when needed. Contact us as soon as your doctor has confirmed your high risk pregnancy in order to get the maximum benefit from participating in this program.
Pregnancy Articles
Click here to visit our partner Healthyroads for a list of pregnancy-related articles.
Please note: You will be prompted to login to our AvMed portal and then automatically redirected to Healthyroads. Once on Healthyroads, click on "Health Conditions" and then "Pregnancy Collection" from the list provided.
Hear Her Campaign
AvMed has adopted the "Hear Her" campaign from the CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health. Learn how to recognize warning signs and when to call your obstetrician, during and after pregnancy. Click below for more information.
Hear Her >